Hello ladies and gentle me, welcome to the Myteckinfo where you can get information on Pc and many more.
On today's lesson I will be posting on some common tasks that you can use to operate you system in cmd( command prompt) but first of all i will like to give you some few documentary of cmd.
Bellow are some usuall commands:
1. SHUTDOWN >>its use to either shutdown, log off or even switch user account in the PC.
2. HELP>> Provides you with a lot of option on your GUI computer.
3. CONVERT>>> helps you convert FAT volumes system file into a NTFS.
4. CLS>>>> helps wide open everything on the windows command prompt.
5. RECOVER>>> this command helps you recover readable files from a corrupt or bad drive.
6. TASKLIST>>> this command shows you all the current programs that's runing or in process.
7. TASKKILL>>> this helps you stop/off any runing program on the system with ease.
8. TIME>>> this is use to set and display system.
9. VER>>> this is use to indicate the type of windows you are using either winn 8, vista etc.
10. VOL>> with this command you can easily view your PC serial number and disk volume label.
11. SYSTEMINFO>>> with this command you can get all the information in USER account.
12. WMIC CSPRODUCT GET NAME>>> this also serves the same purpose with the previous command but their difference is that in this command it displays everything from the root.
We hope this satisfy you. comments are highly recommended here please drop yours before you depart, THANK YOU. this post is in Reference to MRS. ZAKKA Fedpolybauchi computer science department my class adviser.
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